Crosspoly Techteam Weekly Report(Aug 7-Aug13)
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Added core stats including TVL on the network.
Completed the integration in cross-chain communication as well as cross-chain transactions.
{ “name”: “crosspoly”, “version”: “1.0.0”, “description”: “a kind of bird”, “main”: “index.js”, “author”: “crosspoly breeder”, “license”: “Apache-2.0”, “keywords”: [ “crosspoly”, “ethereum”, “pmm” ], “scripts”: { “prettier”: “prettier — write
.sol”, “migrate”: “truffle migrate”, “compile”: “rm -r build && truffle compile”, “coverage”: “NETWORK_ID=1002 RPC_NODE_URI=
COVERAGE=true truffle run coverage”, “test”: “truffle compile && truffle test”, “test_only”: “truffle test”, “deploy”: “truffle migrate — network=$NETWORK — reset”, “deploy_kovan”: “NETWORK=kovan npm run deploy”, “deploy_mainnet”: “NETWORK=mainnet npm run deploy”, “deploy_test”: “NETWORK=development npm run deploy”, “node”: “ganache-cli — port 8545 -l 0x1fffffffffffff -i 5777 -g 1 — allowUnlimitedContractSize” }, “dependencies”: { “@types/chai”: “⁴.2.11”, “@types/es6-promisify”: “⁶.0.0”, “@types/ethereumjs-abi”: “⁰.6.3”, “@types/mocha”: “⁷.0.2”, “arb-ethers-web3-bridge”: “⁰.7.3”, “assert”: “².0.0”, “axios”: “⁰.20.0”, “babel-cli”: “⁶.26.0”, “babel-eslint”: “¹⁰.1.0”, “bignumber.js”: “⁹.0.0”, “chai-bignumber”: “³.0.0”, “debug”: “⁴.1.1”, “dotenv-flow”: “³.1.0”, “es6-promisify”: “⁶.1.1”, “ethereumjs-util”: “⁷.0.7”, “ethjs”: “⁰.4.0”, “lodash”: “⁴.17.20”, “mocha”: “⁷.2.0”, “solc”: “⁰.6.9”, “truffle-hdwallet-provider”: “¹.0.17”, “ts-node”: “⁸.10.2”, “typescript”: “³.9.5”, “web3”: “¹.2.8”, “web3-core-helpers”: “¹.2.8”, “web3-eth-contract”: “¹.2.8” }, “devDependencies”: { “@truffle/hdwallet-provider”: “1.4.0”, “chai”: “⁴.2.0”, “ganache-cli”: “⁶.9.1”, “prettier”: “².0.5”, “prettier-plugin-solidity”: “¹.0.0-alpha.52”, “solidity-coverage”: “⁰.7.7”, “truffle-assertions”: “⁰.9.2” }}
3. Completed Crosspoly swap contract.
To improve the loading speed of the account page.
Data feeds-yield, in progress.
To optimize services like resource management, information inquiry and data analysis.
Test in Metauniverse Aggegator operation.
To build a book to record the airdrop and address.